Study Overview
"It requires long-term vision to make the best short-term decision."
Develop a comprehensive study that describes the short, medium, and long-term development plans to meet future aviation demand.
Provide the Cities of Midlothian and Waxahachie a strategic vision for the 20-year development of the airport as required by the FAA for future project funding.
Effectively prepare a short-term Capital Improvement Program to identify project priorities (PROJECT JUSTIFICATION)
Cost-effectively satisfy current and future aviation demand.
The study will address the needs of the community, provide a program for realistic development, and analyze existing and future operations to determine ultimate development needs, including:
Forecasts of aviation demand over the planning period to include General Aviation and Commercial Air Service
Improvements necessary to accommodate future demand
Land use recommendations to protect the airport and its environs
Financial and Capital Improvement Plan
Airport pavement condition and creating a pavement management plan
Airspace surveys required for updating the Airport Layout Plan (ALP)
Master Planning Process